ஜ۩۞۩ஜ 2 Februari 2004, 8 Tahun Yg Lalu... ஜ۩۞۩ஜ

Alhamdulillah ya Allah, tidak terasa sudah hari ini Tgl 2 Februari 2012 ini usia perkawinan kami sudah menginjak 8 tahun. 
Delapan tahun sudah kita lalui bersama, berbagai ujian dan cobaan selalu mewarnai rumah tangga kita. dengan kekuatan cinta kita, kita mampu melewati ini semua.
Hari ini tidak ada perayaan khusus, hanya Doa yang selalu kupanjatkan.
Semoga kita bisa melaksanakan amanah pernikahan ini, saling percaya, saling setia, saling terbuka, dan saling menjaga selamanya...... 
Sampai ajal menjemput. 


Ya Allah,
Andai Kau berkenan, limpahkanlah rasa cinta kepada kami,
Yang Kau jadikan pengikat rindu Rasulullah dan Khadijah Al Qubro
Yang Kau jadikan mata air kasih sayang
Ali bin Abi Thalib dan Fatimah Az Zahra
Yang Kau jadikan penghias keluarga Nabi-Mu yang suci.

Ya Allah,
Andai semua itu tak layak bagi kami,
Maka cukupkanlah permohonan kami dengan ridlo-Mu
Jadikanlah kami Suami & Istri yang saling mencintai di kala dekat,
Saling menjaga kehormatan dikala jauh,
Saling menghibur dikala duka,
Saling mengingatkan dikala bahagia,
Saling mendoakan dalam kebaikan dan ketaqwaan,
Serta saling menyempurnakan dalam peribadatan.

Ya Allah,
Sempurnakanlah kebahagiaan kami
Dengan menjadikan perkawinan kami ini sebagai ibadah kepada-Mu
Dan bukti ketaatan kami kepada sunnah Rasul-Mu.

Ya Allah…
Indahkanlah rumah kami dengan kalimat-kalimat-Mu yang suci. Suburkanlah kami dengan keturunan yang membesarkan asma-Mu. Penuhi kami dengan amal shaleh yang Engkau ridhai. Jadikan mereka Yaa…Allah teladan yang baik bagi manusia.

Ya Allah…
Damaikanlah pertengkaran di antara kami, pertautkan hati kami, dan tunjukkan kepada kami jalan-jalan keselamatan. Selamatkan kami dari kegelapan kepada cahaya. Jauhkan kami dari kejelekan yang tampak dan tersembunyi.

Ya Allah…
Berkatilah pendengaran kami, penglihatan kami, hati kami, suami/isteri kami, keturunan kami dan ampunilah kami. Jaikanlah kami termasuk golongan orang-orang mukmin.

Ya Allah,
Terima kasih atas nikmatMu dan semua cobaanMu....
berikanlah RidhoMu dan hidayahMu serta jagalah kami agar selalu dalam syafaatMu ....

Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.

Giuliano Stroe – The Little Hulk

Giuliano Stroe, lahir pada tanggal 18 Juli 2004, seorang anak kecil yg kini menjadi bahan pembicaraan, terutama setelah kemunculannya di TV Italia dan akhir2 ini juga muncul di Youtube.

Kehebohan mengenai berita anak kecil ini karena bocah ini tidak tampil lazim seperti anak-anak seumurnya yang masih nyusu ataupun masih bermain dengan boneka dan mobil-mobilan. Keunikan anak ini adalah dia mampu berjalan dengan tangan sepanjang 10 meter karena mempunyai otot yang luar biasa.

Terkuat di Dunia Giuliano Stroe Anak Terkuat di Dunia.Giuliano Stroe sangat mengidolakan HULK tokoh kartun si raksasa hijau dan motivasi itu jadilah dia anak terkuat.

Tak terbayangkan oleh Stroe Giuliano kalau dia akan masuk recod dunia menjadi anak terkuat di dunia.Blog Berita terbaru melihat sangat aneh, dengan umur masih 5 tahun badan giuliano sangat berotot, memang tidak heran karna sang idolapun demikian Incredible HULK.

Giuliano sangat berambisi untuk menjadi HULK kecil, dengan semangat dia berlatih segala macam olahraga body building dan hasilnya badan Stroe berotot layaknya orang dewasa dan dia mampu melakukan push up di udara tanpa ditopang kaki sebanyak 20 kali.

Stroe memiliki kekuatan tangan yang besar itu bukan tanpa sebab, sejak dari lahir, papanya sudah mengajak dia bermain di gym di mana papanya menjadi anggota. Mungkin dengan latihan-latihan rutin yg dimiliki, maka tubuh kekar dan atletis terbentuk dari sana. Anak ini bahkan sudah memiliki tubuh six-pack, impian banyak lelaki dewasa saat ini. Dengan sedikit gerakan saja, tangan kekar berotot, perut six-pack bisa dibentuk. Coba saja tengok si kecil bertubuh kekar ini.

Video Stroe si kecil berbadan kekar

Top 10 Physically Modified People in the World

10. Leopard Man 
Whether he’s mad or not, 67yr old tom leppard seems extremely happy living in a hand-built home on the isle of skye, 99% of his body tattooed with leopard print. he spends his days reading, scampering about the place on all fours like a leopard and staying away from the hustle and bustle of modern society. for a man who looks like john locke after an intense mud fight he actually seems pretty pleasant…

9. Etienne Dumont
Etienne Dumont is an art & culture critic for a newspaper in geneva who just happens to be covered head to toe in some of the most vibrant tattoos i’ve ever seen. he also has silicon implants under the skin which give the horned appearance, 2.7 inch rings in each earlobe and plexiglass piercings through the nose and under his bottom lip. the best part has to be the blue rimmed glasses though, a perfect addition to an incredible look.

8. Rick Genest
without doubt the scariest human head i will ever see in my lifetime. there isn’t much information about mr genest himself on the internet (would you approach him for an interview?) but we do know the tattoo was crafted by the chaps at ‘derm fx tattoo‘ in montreal. job well done guys.

7. The Illustrated Lady
Julia Gnuse (aka the illustrated lady) was born with a condition called porphyria which causes her skin to blister regularly and ultimately scar. in order to cover this up she started getting tattoos applied over the affected areas - after 10 years she was covered in the bastards and is now the most tattooed woman in the world.

6. Elaine Davidson
In total, brazilian Elaine Davidson has the most number of tattoos and over 2500 piercings on her body, both internally and externally, approximately 500 just around the genitals. the total extra weight she carries due to this obsession comes to around 3kg and she is thankfully the most pierced person in the world. now living in edinburgh she claims to be too scared to go home to brazil due to the attention she’d attract possibly resulting in some kind of attack.

5. Kala Kaiwi
kala kawai has 67 piercings and 75 % of his body is tattooed so it’s a good job he chose a career in body modification, running his own studio in hawaii. he has stretched the holes in his earlobes to 4 inches, inserted various silicon implants on his head, can screw metal spikes into the top of his skull, has a split tongue and generally looks extremely frightening. also worth bearing in mind is that he split his own tongue using dental floss and did all his own piercings.

4. Pauly Unstoppable
With a name like ‘unstoppable’ you’d be stupid to give up on the modifications after a couple of earrings. this guy has surely the largest nostrils in the western world (if you look closely i’m almost certain you can see his brain) plus a huge array of other ‘body mods’ to his name including scars cut into his cheeks and forehead, a split tongue, domes implanted under the skin of his forehead and many many more.

3. The Lizardman
Born eric sprague in 1972, the lizardman was one of the first people to have a split tongue and in some circles is seen to be wholly responsible for the recent popularity of this particular modification. pretty much all of his body is covered in green scale tattoos, his teeth have been filed down to sharp points and he has numerous silicon teflon implants in his head.
Below is an interview with the lizardman - check out the forked tongue action.

2. Lucky Diamond Rich

it goes without saying that this guy is officially the most tattooed person in the world - he swiped the record from our friend tom leppard at #10 in 2006. he has tattoos everywhere, some of the stranger places including his eyelids, inside his ears and even on his gums. it’s apparently a work in progress and has so far included the efforts of hundreds of tattoo artists and over 1,000 hrs of pain.
Obviously, he can also swallow swords.

1. Stalking Cat
First place was always gonna go to 44 yr old dennis avner, aka stalking cat. i remember a few years ago watching a documentary about him and nearly crying when his face appeared for the first time, my brain simply wasn’t able to process the sight. he looks like a cross between jocelyn wildenstein and the beast from the old beauty & the beast tv programme and he’s gone the whole hog in terms of body modification: tattoos, silicon implants on his face, pointed teeth, surgically pointed ears, piercings, attachable whiskers, claws, a bifurcated top lip and even an animatronic tiger’s tail. he says he’s been going through these procedures for the past 20 years because he grew up in a native american tribe and his belief in their customs drove him to transform into his totem animal - the tiger.